Instructor: Kenna Holdman (For Teacher Bio, please see Here)
Time: Fall Semester 2017, Wednesdays 11:15am-12noon ET (10:15-11:00am CT) Session 1
Wednesdays 12:15-1:00pm ET (11:15am-12noon CT) Session 2
Suggested Age Range: 3rd-8th Grade

Prerequisites: General typing skills and age appropriate reading comprehension.

Course Description:

  • Students will be introduced to the basics of the Scratch programming language, understanding how to navigate within the software and how to use sprites & coding blocks.
  • We will learn to create simple commands and understand how sprites can communicate with one another, incorporating branching story arcs.
  • We will learn how to enter arrange steps in a logical way, create more complex commands, debug problems, pinpoint errors and work out the correct solution.
  • Students will turn their own creative ideas into reality using all of the skills they have learned to program multiple fully-functional, playable computer games.

On class days, during the live class session, I will introduce new subject material for the week. To do this, I will be showing new concepts in Scratch. Students should have one browser window open to view my live stream and at the same time they should have another browser window open with Scratch.  With their 2nd browser, they’ll practice (hands on) new concepts while I teach.

Required Supplies/Resources:
A Scratch account. (Free)  Please contact me if you have any problems @ Students should create a Scratch account before the first class begins.  No software download is needed, students will access the software online using their account login.

Homework will be explained in class and assigned each week in Edmodo.  Students will work on coding a program that will include specific requirements.  Edmodo will allow you to post a link to completed programs and this is how homework will be turned in.