Barry Atwell is a chaplain with Truckstop Ministries Inc and the assistant district leader with them. Additionally, he is the volunteer mentor of the K.I.D.S. Inc and Marion County 4-H STEM club. Over the years, evangelism has become a natural part of Barry’s everyday life. In addition to sharing the gospel with people he meets in the market place, Barry spends time on the streets proclaiming the gospel through open air preaching, sketchboard evangelism, one on one conversations, as well as proclaiming the gospel through social media. God has not only given him the passion to share the gospel to but also the calling to equip others to do so as well.
Barry is married and has two teenage children who are home schooled. He overcame dyslexia and learned to speed read. Prior to being a full time chaplain, he worked in the financial services industry. God called him away from that to a life dedicated full time to the gospel.
Our Tech-Help Guy!
Sherri Atwell – Instructor
Sherri Atwell has a degree in Elementary/Middle School Ed and Learning Disabilities. While in college she was introduced to homeschooling by her pastor and his wife. As she worked on her degree she became increasingly dissatisfied with what she saw going on in the public schools and she knew if God blessed her with children, she wanted to homeschool. When she graduated she spent the next two life changing years as a missionary in Albania at a pivotal time in their history: only a few years after communism fell. When she returned home she moved to Indianapolis where she met the love of her life and spent the next five years in youth ministry. She and her husband Barry married in 1999 and began their adventure in homeschooling when their son was born in 2000 followed by their daughter in 2004. They are still actively involved in ministry through her husband’s position as a Chaplain for Truck Stop Ministries and their inner city church with incredible outreach programs for all ages. She loves to read, learn new things and re-learn the old which is one of the best parts of homeschooling.
Blossom Barden – Instructor
Blossom Barden is a wife of 20+ years with two kids. She currently lives with her family in Ohio (and loves it). Their oldest graduated from homeschool in 2015 (and community college 2017); their youngest graduated this May (2017). They’ve been homeschoolers since 2009 (upper elementary through high school) using AmblesideOnline’s free homeschool curriculum.
Blossom holds a BA in Anthropology/Sociology and History, a M. Ed. in Teaching and Learning, Leadership and an educator certificate from ACSI. Her dream is to someday open a brick-and-mortar school in Ohio- in God’s time. She aligns her teaching to a relational education philosophy, (or as she once heard: moral constructivism), aka Charlotte Mason. Most of her degree work for both undergraduate and graduate was done online so she is familiar with how it works. However, she is thrilled that EOA includes the very important aspect of LIVE classes, with required visual interaction.
Ariana Billings – Teen Instructor
Hi! My name is Ariana Billings, and I am 15 years old. I have a passion for all things aquatic and I love to draw. I’m also pretty good at origami, but I’m not too serious about it… I can’t wait to start a class with you guys!!!
Brooke Billings – Instructor
My name is Brooke Billings; married with 3 teenage girls. I have a Bachelors + years towards Masters Degree. Kinesiology and Education with Science background. (Pre PT and PA background)
I have 20+ years in the military. Instructing, leading and professional development for fellow members while working in the medical field in several aspects. Flight medic, medic on the flightline and also worked in the hospital giving physicals and taking sick calls. I have 30+ years in emergency medicine. I am a cancer survivor.
I have been teaching in homeschool co-ops for 15+ years. I enjoy animals, crocheting and learning how to homestead, ferment and perfecting sourdough baking. Enjoy learning new things everyday!
“I am the daughter of a King who is not moved by the world. For my God is with me and goes before me. I do not fear because I am His.” ~Proverbs 31
Damian Chavez – Teen Instructor
Damian is a 16-year-old who loves serving his community and is a natural-born leader, he has a natural talent for writing essays. He enjoys teaching in all aspects and currently has 64 college credits. He looks forward to teaching classes and can’t wait until he gets his college degree. I am so excited to help your kid learn how to become an excellent essay writer! With my class your child will go from having trouble, to writing with ease.
Heidi Dages – Teen Instructor
My name is Heidi Dages and I’m 15 year old. I love reading, photography, guinea pigs, and anything plant related. I own a Nikon DSLR and can’t wait to share my love of photography with other people!
Olivia Dages – Teen Instructor
My name is Olivia Dages. I’m 17 and I’ve been learning ASL for over five years. Some of my other hobbies include singing, fiber arts, reading and raising animals.
Charlie Fry – Teen Instructor
Charlie Fry has been involved in the theater world for eight years and has performed and assisted in several shows through the Hoogland Ed. Program; including but not limited to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Seussical, and Beauty & the Beast. She has been an actor, dance captain, and choreographer throughout the years. Her favorite show is Legally Blonde and she’s very excited to find out yours!
Crystal Heavrin – Instructor
I am a wife of a lot of years, and an eclectic Charlotte Mason homeschooling mom of two beautiful girls. We currently live in Texas, where we try not to complain about the heat.
In my spare time I like to read, go on walks, and travel the country in our travel trailer.
Miranda Morris – Teen Instructor
My name is Miranda and I am a senior graduating in 2021. I have been homeschooled most of my life. I like to read, draw, and ask questions. I also enjoy swimming when it is hot outside in the local river. In the future, I hope to become a landscape architect. I enjoy learning new things and I know I will keep learning all through my life.
Grace Rutherford – Teen Instructor
Grace Rutherford is a thirteen-year-old girl who loves theater, reading, and running. She aspires to work in the Coast Guard and pursue and law enforcement career for the future. Grace also loves sports. She runs cross country, wrestles, and plays competitive judo (a martial art). This year she took 2nd in the country at the U.S. Open International Judo Tournament. When it comes to academics, Grace is all in! Her favorite subjects are English, Biology, and Algebra. Grace also enjoys playing chess, singing, and growing in her faith.
Nick Rutherford – Teen Instructor
My name is Nick Rutherford and I’m 17 years old. I like to do long-distance running, judo, wrestling, and hiking, and am involved in the Sea Cadets and Boy Scouts. This is my final year of high-school, and along with learning alongside my students I’ll be studying Law, Literature, Calculus, USA History, Psychology, and Environmental Science. My sights are currently set on being a lawyer, and so I’ve participated in relevant programs including TeenPact, iGovern, and various workshops and classes. I’m excited about what the future will bring, and am dedicated to using all it bestows to its full potential.
Lani Siciliano – Instructor
Lani is the mother of six children, homeschooling five still at home. The oldest graduated their homeschool in 2017 and is serving our country as a Paratrooper in the US Army . This will be her third year teaching with EOA. Lani is a member of the Auxiliary Board of AmblesideOnline, a free homeschool curriculum that uses Charlotte Mason’s classically-based principles to prepare children for a life of rich relationships with everything around them: God, humanity, and the natural world. She started a support and activity group for local CM homeschoolers in her new home state of Tennessee as well. Additionally she has served as a member of the board of the Connecticut Homeschool Network. She holds a BA in Sociology and an MS in Human Development and Family Studies from the University of Rhode Island. Lani has worked in non profit administration in fundraising, grant writing, and event planning including conference planning and execution. She also have a background in higher education administration, career counselling and placement. She served as Director of Vacation Bible School with the Monroe Congregational Church for many years; a Cub Scout Den Leader; La Leche League Leader; Girl Scout volunteer; youth hockey team manager; and many other community roles.
Ashley Swartz – Instructor
Ashley Swartz has an ancient degree in Liberal Arts and is a second generation homeschool mom of 9. She lives in Kansas, on a farm at the edge of the Flint Hills, on a piece of God’s magnificent native prairie grass with real buffalo wallows that can still be seen. She enjoys open skies, plants, books, and fountain pens, but is really passionate about the Savior and caring for and educating her family.
Alicia Thorson – EOA Founder, Instructor
Alicia is the Principal, Founder, & Chief Encourager here at EOA. She has taught Spanish for K-6th graders, assistant taught several grades (in brick & mortar school), & graduated Summa Cum Laude from UMASS. With a degree in English, Alicia is a lover of words, writing, poetry, and grammar. She even won the spelling bee in fifth grade.
The Lord’s plan to open Empowered Online Academy was a complete shock to Alicia, but she could not be more excited to come alongside Him, & offer a unique, God-honoring, & refreshing approach to homeschooling. She has always believed in children, & their abilities. EOA celebrates their gifts & talents!
Jack Thorson – Kid Instructor, EOA Kid Instructor Trainer
Jack is a spunky, inquisitive, creative, & energetic 8th grader–currently our teacher here at EOA. His dream is to follow in his daddy’s footsteps, & go to MIT. He is super excited to be teaching a Minecraft class with his big brother, this coming fall!
Joshua Thorson – Teen Instructor, EOA Webmaster
Joshua is EOA’s “WebMaster”. He has most definitely followed in his daddy’s footsteps, with an engineering brain and love for all things nerdy… Legos, building things out of wood, Minecraft, D & D, & rocketry. He will be teaching a Minecraft history class this fall! You should go check out the official poster he made that totally isn’t stolen from a different movie!
Subscribe to my YT channel!
Talia Thorson – Teen Instructor, Trainer, Tribe Leader, EOA Co-Founder
Talia Thorson has a huge passion for teaching and loves bringing spunk and energy to her classes! Talia is a Special Effects Makeup artist and graduated from Cinema Makeup School’s Bootcamp in Hollywood. She hopes to spread her love for learning to all of her students.
Check out all of Talia’s classes and join the Tribe today!
Tatum Thorson – Teen Instructor, Chief EOA Artist, EOA Co-Founder
Tatum Thorson has an impressive record of teaching incredible classes for EOA. This year she leaves us to pursue her dreams of becoming a Disney animator. Prayers and best wishes for you, Tatum, as you attend the prestigious Savannah College of Art and Design. GO, SCAD BEES!