Instructor: Karly Snider (For Teacher Bio, please see Here)
Time: Fall Semester Wednesday 3:00-4:00pm ET (2:00-3:00pm CT) – Class length will vary
Suggested Age Range: 9-14
Course Description:
In this class we will learn the history of Okinawan karate, counting to ten in Japanese, order of the belts, stances, how to tie a belt, a few katas, and the proper uses for karate. The goal is to work your way up to a yellow or even an orange belt. My Sensei, Mr. Bleecker, has volunteered to make a guest appearance.
Each class will start with warmup/stretches, the lesson, then practice, and Q&A if time allows.
For this class, you will need to wear comfortable clothing, keep a water bottle close by, have an open area to move around, and bring a good attitude.
Optional: A karate t-shirt (with Mr. Bleecker’s karate school logo on it) will be available for a limited time in May only for those who sign up for the fall class early. Cost is $15 for the t-shirt and will be mailed to you during the summer. Don’t miss out on this one-time opportunity!
Please note: Since the awarded karate belts would not be transferrable to a local karate school and to save you money, I will use a karate “ribbon” belt system where you will receive a colored stripe on a piece of a real karate white belt to show your progress. These will then be mailed to you at the end of the semester. You will also receive a virtual white belt, yellow belt, etc. badge through Edmodo to show your progress.
I look forward to seeing you in my dojo!