Instructor: Sherri Atwell (For Teacher Bio, please see Here)
Time: Full Year, Wednesdays 8:00-9:00am CT
Suggested Grade Range: 9th-12th

Course Description:

C.S. Lewis said, “A children’s story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children’s story in the slightest.”

Often Chronicles of Narnia is considered as elementary or perhaps middles school reading, however this class is specifically designed for High Schoolers.  This is not only a Lit class, it is also part Bible Study, part Philosophy, part Worldview, and Part Theology!

By reading and studying this series as a teen (or even adult), a new understanding arises of the Spiritual depth of Lewis’ writings. Teens will investigate a deeper level of personal growth by:

  • Not only seeing the analogy of Aslan to Christ, but also more fully realizing the rich theological symbolism is each book.
  • Exploring deeper levels of character and spiritual growth through engaging literature
  • Developing critical thinking skills through and amazing creative vehicle as teens realize the powerful philosophical challenges each character faces
  • Digging deeper into the great writing strategies employed by C.S. Lewis and exploring ways these strategies can be applied in their own writing.

We will not be reading these books quickly.  We will be embarking on an adventure by lingering, absorbing, studying, discussing, exploring, giving God time to work, and growing together as a group.

Please note:  Parents are required to attend the first class with their student!

Required Supplies/Books: 

  • The Bible
  • The Magician’s Nephew
  • The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
  • The Horse and His Boy
  • Prince Caspian
  • The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
  • The Silver Chair
  • The Last Battle