Instructor: Blossom Barden (For Teacher Bio, please see Here)
Time: Full Year, Thursdays 10:00-11:00am CT
Suggested Grade Range: **9th-12th**

Good reading skills

Course Description:
“Be not afraid of greatness.” (Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, II, v.)
From Colonial America through to the Revolutionary War and Independence, to the end of the War of 1812, a lot happened in this great country. Our focus will be on America’s rising place in the larger world. We will look at maps, old and new, to see how boundaries have changed and our country expanded over time. We will also read primary source documents; the legal documents that had a major impact on our world today; and the words of the people who lived during the times.

We will ‘take note’ of events and happenings through entries in a Book of Centuries, and commonplace whatever catches our attention as worthy of keeping.

Objectives: Come in contact with people and events of the past to “possess a pageant of history in the background of one’s thoughts…[so that] the present becomes enriched with the wealth of all that has gone before.”

Required Resources

  • A History of the American People, by Paul Johnson (ISBN: 0-06-016836-6)
  • OR The Age of Revolution, by Winston Churchill (ISBN: 9780760768594)
  • Book of Centuries (purchase or download and print from Simply Charlotte Mason)
  • Composition notebook (optional; this is for new vocabulary, copying quotes, taking note of a particular individual in history, etc.)
  • Maps (many will be supplied during class time or in Edmodo)
  • Additional readings relevant to the time period (links and documents will be supplied)

Per EOA’s requirements, students must attend the LIVE classes as scheduled. During our class time, we will talk about the reading (who, what, when, where, why, how), look at maps, share Book of Century, commonplace and notebook entries. For those wanting to dive deeper into history, research done outside of class time may be shared.

Each week will have “Assignments” to be completed. There are also open-ended “quizzes” every three weeks that will need to be completed.

A rubric will be accessible to all students for help with completing their assignments. This enables each student to actively take charge of their education. While feedback will be given on each assignment turned in, all assignments are either complete or incomplete; no grades will be given. At the end of each semester a narrative will be given to parents of their child’s participation.