Facilitator: Megan Limke (For Teacher Bio, please see Here)
Email: MeganL@empowered.academy
Time: Full Year, Saturdays 8:30pm ET (7:30pm CT)
Suggested Age Range: Teen GIRLS 14+ (please see course description…tough subjects addressed!)

Registration closed

Course Description:
With the devil deploying so many traps for young ladies in today’s society (who you should be, what you should do, what you should like, etc.), it is important to know how to combat these traps with prayer, Scripture, and a safe community. This group is aimed for fourteen through eighteen year old girls because we will be addressing some very heavy material such as depression, self-esteem issues, eating disorders, feminism, and many other things that our generation struggles with. This group is NOT for high school girls who are not aware of these issues or girls who are not ready to handle these topics. The issues this group will be discussing will not be light, funny, or easy. They will be truthful, heavy, and difficult. As a young person that has struggled with many of these things, my goal is to create a group where anyone that has or is going through these issues or has friends/family members going through these issues will have people to talk to, a place to go, and a group to surround her in prayer.

Parent Sessions: (these will be offered at various times throughout the year)

Parents, this group is for you! I’m not sure how many sessions we will have or or how regular, but coming from a home where my parents were confused about how to deal with a daughter struggling with so many issues, I want to encourage you in how to address your children that are going through hard times. There are so many things that my parents did in an attempt to help that sent me spiraling downwards. In contrast, there are several things that they did that helped me immensely. So these sessions will be about equipping parents, regardless of whether your children are struggling with depression/other issues or not, because there are measures you can take to hopefully prevent it – from a teen’s perspective. Ultimately, you parents have the power to uplift a child or turn them away from you. Sometimes you can do things without realizing how they will affect your children. And in this uncertain world, children need their parents to be their main support system. If you have questions or concerns, email me at meganl@empowered.academy

Teacher Bio: My name is Megan Limke and I’m eighteen years old. At a young age, I was abused by a friend I thought I could trust. This incident led to years of secrets, anguish, self-harm, depression, suicidal thoughts, and one suicide attempt. I never thought I would recover. I did not have a good support system. The few people I told about my struggles had no idea how to help me. I was alone. I was frightened. Then God stepped in. It wasn’t an overnight fix, but over the course of a year and a half, the LORD worked in my life and healed me. He is still healing me. My greatest fear is that there is a teen girl out in our homeschool community that needs a support system centered on Christ, but she cannot find a like that group out there. So I am creating this one. I do not want anyone to go through this or have loved ones go through this and feel lost and scared and alone.