Empowered Online Academy Poetry Contest

April is National Poetry Month! A time to celebrate poets and their craft. I just love poetry SO much and couldn’t stand not being a part of all the excitement.

We are having our very first EOA Poetry Contest.


Any type of poem is allowed.
Anyone 18 & under may enter.
Must email your poem to me, at: alicia@empowered.academy
by 11:59 PM, CST, on April 30, 2017.
An impartial panel of judges will vote (NOT me, as I’ve read my kids’ poems already) for their favorites.

Winners will be announced by our last day of school (May 5th)!

1st place: $25 Amazon Gift Card
2nd place: $10 Amazon Gift Card
3rd place: A surprise package from Cedarburg, Wisconsin

Get your entries in now, Friends! I can’t wait to read them!!