Instructor: Abram Hasner (For Teacher Bio, please see Here) and his pet snake Apollo Montgomery
Time: Thursdays 12:00-12:45pm ET (11:00-11:45am CT)
Suggested Age Range: 7-12

Course Description: 🐍
Have you ever wondered what the largest snake ever to live was? How about how to keep a pet snake? Did you know there’s a snake that can fly through the air? And a snake that hops?! How about what to do if you ever encounter a snake in the wild? How to tell if it is venomous and really impress your mom with how to pick it up safely! 😬

Abram is well-versed in the knowledge of all things snakes and has his own pet ball python which he will introduce to you!

You will learn which species of snakes are native to your area, the anatomy of snakes and all sorts of fun facts! By the end of class maybe you can convince your mom and dad to let you get your own get your snake…😎

Required Supplies
Notebook and pen. No other supplies necessary.