Instructor: Johnna Buntin (for teacher bio, click here)
Course Day/Time: 1st, 3rd, and 5th Fridays/month 2-3pm CT
Age Range: 10 – 15 years
Course Description:
A discipleship ministry designed to equip young ladies to use the years of their youth fully for Christ.
We purpose to encourage the pursuit of godliness, provide positive peer influence and accountability as well as minister to others.
We will be learning to “respond” just right to people and circumstances while demonstrating godliness in our actions and attitude.
We intend to enable a young lady to go through her teenage years strong for the Lord without stumbling as many do.
Bright Lights girls will be able to touch others by her servant’s spirit, her radiant countenance, and the message of eternal life through Jesus Christ.
We will learn to keep a prayer journal as well as studying character traits.
There will be instruction in craft making and recipes.
I will be providing giveaways during the semester as well as for those successfully completing the course!
Although each semester will be independent from the others, there are 8 total. We would love to see young ladies eventually complete all 8 semesters (in no particular order) and go on to create their own Bright Lights groups in their neighborhoods.
Required Books and/or materials:
The parts to this set can be ordered individually however student must have the required set by class time.
- Bible
- Notebook
- Writing Instrument
Additional Information (for e.g. assignments/quizzes)
Our assignments will include visiting with Mom or another trusted Christian lady as well as sharing in the group how the lesson was used.